Utilizing TCM concepts, MTR® + Reflexology to help people, understand their bodies + heal from pain.

  • Traditional Chinese Medicine concepts applied to massage/bodywork therapy gives us an edge on discovering deeper roots to our energetic/structural issues. TCM is ancient wisdom that is still used today. Another word we could use would be acupressure only, it runs much deeper.

  • Founder Lonnie Jensen Bio-Chi Institute.

    This is deep tissue done correctly. It is aimed at re-educating the muscles and tendons to expand & contract the way they were designed to. This concept provides solutions based on structural integration/balancing technique. When muscles are “tight” for a long time, pulling on bones, making nerves unhappy: it is almost as if they have forgotten ow to let go. MTR® reminds them! This work can help to alleviate symptoms caused by frozen shoulder, carpal tunnel syndrome, TMJ, whiplash, etc.

  • This is the art of working through specific areas on the feet to assess the internal body & help alleviate symptoms of dis-ease.

Schedule a Massage/Bodywork Session in Sedona, Az

Brian-David, LMT (AZ, IA) will provide the table, sheets, oil + music

Call/text to discover availability, whereabouts + schedule:

